In the Bible, all kinds of people are mentioned that we don’t know a whole lot about, yet their names are recorded in a book that would remember them from generation to generation. Oftentimes we read right past their names and don’t consider the value in their story because of how little is recorded. These men and women are true legends that God wanted each of us to remember and be inspired by.
In this small group series, we focus on some of these rarely mentioned legends and discover the reason God placed them in the Biblical narrative. Hopefully, through the inspiration of their lives we will discover how the legendary status for our lives is not that far away from theirs.
Watch this short trailer to learn more about our Legends Series and what to expect within the sessions.
01. Shamgar
Shamgar wasn’t necessarily anyone special but he chose to make the most of what he had, in the moment he had. And in turn, his story was included in the Scriptures that we still read today. You have a purpose and a calling to do something with the skills and passions that you’ve been given.
02. Abigail
Abigail showed wisdom in the midst of a stressful situation. By speaking the truth to David and navigating him away from returning evil for evil, she saved her family, her servants and the entire nation that King David would rule. Never underestimate the effect you can have when you choose to pass by revenge and choose love.
03. Caleb
The very group of people that God delivered from Egypt missed out on their intended reward because they were consumed by a negative spirit. But Caleb was one of two who was allowed to enter because he had a “different spirit” and didn’t doubt that God would bring them victory over the obstacle in front of them.
04. Rahab
Rahab had a past full of sin but by aligning herself with God and stepping out in faith to believe in him, she was given a new name and legacy that eventually lead to Christ himself.
05. Balaam
Balaam allowed his greed to control his life and the result was a legacy revolving around that greed. The LEGEND of Balaam teaches us to watch for our blindspots, embrace our donkeys and respect the power that comes with the words we speak over ourselves and others.
06. Rizpah
Rizpah fought endlessly for her sons’ honor and respect. And in the end, her desperation lead to honor restored and for her own provision.
07. Benaiah
Benaiah courageously fought the lion and defeated it because he walked confidently in his identity. If we can truly understand who we are in Christ, we will defeat the lions in our life too.
08. The Shunammite Woman
The Shunammite woman sets a wonderful example of how to view the presence of God. She was completely content being in his presence and in times of trouble she went directly back to the source with complete faith that it would be resolved.
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